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Elite World Grand İstanbul Küçükyalı - İSTANBUL , 25-28 September 2024


Teach the Airway Teacher course by EAMS

Course director: Gerardo Cortese (Italy)

Discover this amazing course to improve your training skills and receive the unique Airway Teacher Certification from European Airway Management Society!

Airway management is one of the core competencies in anaesthesiology, critical care, and emergency medicine. Airway management skills cannot be taught just through books or lectures. Airway managers mostly teach technical and non-technical skills in the busy clinical environment of a hospital, often without a formal teaching program. EAMS, unique in between airway societies, created the Teach the Airway Teacher course (TAT course) aiming at these experienced teaching clinicians to foster airway training on a modern didactic background. The flipped classroom concept includes a pre-course e-learning section, providing time for preparation and acquisition of theoretical knowledge. On site learning will happen due to practice, discussion, rehearsal, and collegial exchange in small groups and plenary discussions. To achieve the EAMS Airway Teacher certificate,the participants have to fullfill a post-course assignement in order to transfer the learning baggage into their teaching practice and foster long term effect of the course.

ALL participants must be EAMS members



Pay attention!! Patient saturation is worsening. Time is against you. Can you solve the puzzles in time to save the patient? Creativity and critical thinking are the keys.

Let test your knowledge, and technical and no technical skills to discover all clues! Show your ability to work as a team. All of this will be necessary to get out of the airway escape room successfully.

Don’t miss this exciting activity. At the end, you will have learned while having a good time.

Leaded by Dr. Xavier Onrubia


Hands-on Workshop

Take profit of the most experienced airway specialist in the Hands-on Workshp at 8EAC. The place where you can improve your skills, ask your concerns and solve the doubts to the faculty directly from internationally known faculty. Learn and enjoy in a 30-minute rotation at each of the following stations:

Flexible videobrochoscopy: Leaded by Pedro Charco (Spain) Get skilled on the technique! nasal and oral access and one lung isolation

Videolaryngoscope & Bougies: Leaded by Martin Petzold (Germany) Come to know new devices and tips to manage with this approach

Ultrasound: Leaded by Michael Kristensen (Denmark) You can discover ultrasound possibilities in airway management

Front of Neck Access (FONA): Leaded by Özgur Canbay (Turkiye) You will be able to perform the technique in less than 45 seconds!! Surgical and percutaneous approaches

Oxygenation: Leaded By Massimiliano Sorbello (Italy) All the possibilities to keep your patient oxygenated whether they are breathing or apnoeic

Supraglottic devices: Leaded by Tomasz Gaszynski (Poland)  All tips not to fail when inserting a suplaglottic device

The faculty will be really pleased to be able to enjoy this activity with you.

Xavier Onrubia (Spain)
Hands-on Workshop Chair
Aysun Ankay (Turkiye)
Hands-on Workshop Co-chair

Workshop Airway Triage EAC 2024

Instructors: Hans Huitink, Olivia Dow

Airway assessment is the cornerstone of safe airway management. Unfortunately, the current difficult airway prediction models are inaccurate.

Recently a novel airway assessment and risk stratification method was developed: Airway Triage Application Method (ATAM). This is an app based method that uses checklists and algorithms to risk stratify airway management. The airway is triaged in basic or advanced and with identification of complexity factors a realistic airway strategy can be made. The incidence of unanticipated challenging airways can be greatly reduced with this method

Learning goals:

In this small group workshop the delegate will learn how to use the app, triage airways and make a realistic airway strategy to prevent unanticipated challenging airways.

Background and scientific principles of ATAM will be discussed

We will demonstrate how the airway triage app can be used in the hospital setting for clinical assessment, but also for improved interactive 24/7 airway teaching

A structured approach to safe airway management will be discussed


SALAD is an acronym for the technique of Suction-Assisted Laryngoscopy and Airway Decontamination developed by Dr Jim DuCanto, who has created both a training model to give practitioners an opportunity to manage an airway during regurgitation of large volumes of blood or gastric contents, and also a dedicated large-bore suction rigid suction catheter for these instances.

Patients who are vomiting actively should ideally be moved into a lateral, head-down position, but this is not always possible. Rapid suction clearance of the airway will help reduce aspiration and lung injury and should be practiced in order to be mastered. Importantly, it is essential to lead with suction when using a videolaryngoscope. If not, the camera lens becomes contaminated and therefore useless. It is helpful to use a VL that can still be used for direct laryngoscopy (with a Macintosh or Miller-like blade) in this situation.

In this space, will teach you how to overcome one of the most feared scenarios in airway management. Massive airway contamination. When vomit, blood, or secretions are actively filling up the oropharynx in the peri-intubation period, life sucks. So before you panic or give up on that video laryngoscope, learn how a well-designed rigid suction catheter and the integration of a few skills with your laryngoscopy technique can be a game changer.


Simulation Lab – Motivation statement

Simulation followed by instructor-guided reflection on what, how and why I did what I did, and what will I change, if anything, if I find myself in a real-life airway crisis

Simulation Lab – Aims

  1. To apply and integrate the latest international airway societies algorithms in the management of an airway simulated crisis.
  2. To recognise and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviours (e.g. situation awareness, leadership, decision making) required to remedy a critical airway situation.

Simulation Lab – Learner requirements

Familiarity with Difficult Airway Society, other International Airway Societies, and Project for Universal Management of Airways (POMA) guidelines

*Maximum Participants 20 Pax
*Registration needed for all courses

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